
There is a tremendous amount of information about bumblebees at this site. Check it out to satisfy your information needs as well as some ideas of what you can do on your own to help ensure the survival of native bumblebees.

Project Goal: 
Understand factors impacting species interactions, geographic distributions and changes in abundances from season to season.
Your Role: 
Photograph goldenrod plants and any associated species on the plant. Try to identify the species in the photos and submit your results to the website.

Identify a Butterfly, Moth or Caterpillar

This site by Butterflies and Moths of North America will help you with identifying specimens that you have found, seen or photographed. It helps immensely to also have information about the plant and location where you saw this insect.

Making Tunnels for Mason Bees

Here are some guides on how to make a nesting site for mason bees.

BeeSmart Pollinator Gardener

This Android and iOS app can help gardeners and those interested in plants that attact butterflies, hummingbirds and bees.  The app has nearly 1,000 pollinator friendly plants native to the U.S. organized into regions and ecological characteristics for your area.

Key Things to Know About Plants When Observing Bees

Here are some guidelines that you may need to know when observing Claytonia (spring beauties) for bee pollination activities.

Key to the Bee Families of the World

This simple guide can help the novice discover whether their specimen is a bee or not and if so, which family it belongs to.  They use high resolution images to help explain the different defining characteristics, making it a great guide for anyone new to bee identification.

Insect Identification .org

With over 1 million species of spiders and insects identified, it can be rather difficult to identify the species of your particular specimen. This website has photos and identifications for many of the common insects and spiders you might find using terms that the lay person can understand. They also have their data sorted by state and other categories and allow you to search their database using characteristics one can see by eye.


BugGuide is a wonderful collection of images of insects, spiders, and other arthropods, grouped into their taxonomic categories all the way down to the species level. These people know their stuff and can help if you're stuck trying to identify a specimen. It helps to have a little knowledge of how these animals are organized before you start, however the search feature works well too.

Conserving Bumble Bees

Guidelines for Creating and Managing Habitat for America's Declining Pollinators.

This .pdf file is 40 pages and includes regional maps, descriptions and ideal flowers for each area.  The introduction and supporting chapters are easy to read and provide excellent background information and advice on what you can do to help the bumble bee population.  The text is also fully cited with primary literature.


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