
  • Project Goal: 
    Find and test new, useful and unusual uses for broken stuff.
    Your Role: 
    Don't throw away items that could be used generate power or perform other tasks, checkout the project ideas at the link below and try a few yourself.
  • Butterfly Gardening Tips

    Follow the link below to a page of New England oriented gardening tips to attract butterflies and other pollinators.

  • Science Friday Sticky

    Science Friday is an amazing radio show and website. You can listen live via Public Radio International from 2 to 4 P.M. EST, download the podcast or listen and watch videos online. This program has been around since 1991 and covers the latest science from all fields as well as instances where science influences our culture and entertainment.

    Science Friday is the source of my inspiration for creating as they endeavor to bring science to the enthusiast in all of us.


    There is a tremendous amount of information about bumblebees at this site. Check it out to satisfy your information needs as well as some ideas of what you can do on your own to help ensure the survival of native bumblebees.

  • Project Goal: 
    Understand the timing and location of dragonfly migrations throughout North America and improve knowledge of the local life history of dragonflies in each area.
    Your Role: 
    Locate a large pond or wetland, review the resources section on dragonflies, and start reporting your observations.
  • Project Goal: 
    Bring butterfly enthusiasts and scientists together and provide a place to share photos and locational data. Provide data that can be used to understand butterfly adaptation and responses to change.
    Your Role: 
    Observe butterflies, photograph them and submit records of your data. Also search the database for species that have been seen in your area.
  • Project Goal: 
    Monitor specific species as they migrate north every season and track changes from season to season.
    Your Role: 
    Select one or more species to monitor and report your findings. You can observe, robins, monarchs, sunlight, tulips and many more.
  • Project Goal: 
    Understand how monarch butterfly populations vary in time and by location.
    Your Role: 
    Find a milkweed patch and either commit to monitor on a regular basis throughout a season or submit occassional instances of monarch larva that you find.
  • Dr. Eleanor's Book of Common Ants

    "Dr. Eleanor is an entomologist with a knack for telling good stories, especially about the secret lives of her favorite insects: the ANTS! In this new guide to the common ants of North America, Dr. Eleanor delights readers young and old with tales of our tiny insect neighbors. Her stories of the heroes and villains that tiptoe around us are brought to life in this interactive new eBook by the vibrant photographs of Alex Wild."

  • Project Goal: 
    Gather user's records of plants, animals and fungi that they've observed while interacting with nature.
    Your Role: 
    While outside enjoying the natural world, record observations of plants, animals and fungi that you see, photograph them, identify them and upload your data to the website. Also, checkout the guides and others' work.
