There's a group for you.

From Astronomy clubs to the well known National Audubon Society and a variety of Meetups, there is probably a group out there with interests that are aligned with yours. If you want to try something new but don't know how to get started then this may be thing for you.  Many groups love new members and are often willing to provide advice and resources to help you become the naturalist you've always wanted to be.

This page lists organizations that have memberships, newsletters or meet regularly.

If joining a group doesn't interest you, most of the citizen science projects have social aspects where you can interact with others on a more casual basis.


Incorporated in 1971, this chapter of the Maine Audubon and National Audubon Society offers public programs, field trips, and public outreach to foster appreciation and conservatyion of the natural world.


Formed in 1970, this chapter of the Maine Audubon is focused on birds, other wildlife, habitats and community engagement primarily in Oxford, Franklin and Somerset counties.


This chapter of the Maine Audubon focuses on birds, other wildlife and habitat in Washington County, Maine.

Activities include monthly natural history programs, field trips and volunteerism.


This chapter of the Maine Audubon seeks to conserve wildlife and habitat by connecting people to our natural heritage. Members promote environmental awareness through enjoyable & meaningful activities, and low costs programs & field trips throughout the year.


Based in Rockland, Maine, this chapter of the Maine Audubon promotes responsible use of natural resources, manages four refuges, and is an affilitate member of the North American Bluebird Society.


Since 1970, this chapter of the Maine Audubon has fostered an appreciation for the natural environment while focusing on birds in the lower Kennebec River and Androscoggin River watersheds.


A chapter of the Maine Audubon, Downeast Audubon has been focused on birds, wildlife, habitats, education, and public engagement in Hancock County since 1971.

Project Goal: 
Provide a volunteer led movement that provides regular sessions and clubs to inspire and teach young people to how to code software.
Your Role: 
Find your nearest CoderDojo or start one yourself.

"The Massachusetts Butterfly Club sponsors state-wide butterfly activities to promote education, conservation, interpretation, and fun! We invite people of all ages and levels of expertise to attend our meetings, programs, field trips, and butterfly counts and to become members of our club."

Out of state members are welcome too!

Project Goal: 
Increase public enjoyment and conservation of butterflies by: creating a website for people to share their sightings; organize counting efforts in May and July; and establish local chapters for people to join.
Your Role: 
Sign up to do a count and report your data.
