• Jack Andraka


    The loss of a close family friend motivated Jack Andraka to do something about pancreatic cancer. He read as much could from free and online sources and developed an idea for how he could find a reliable and inexpensive test to detect this disease much sooner than current methods. He contacted 200 research professionals in hopes of finding one that would provide laboratory space for him to test his ideas. Only one gave him a chance and at the age of 15 he developed a $0.03 strip that can detect pancreatic cancer in the early stages, when a patient's survival is nearly 100%.

    Posted By RickNye read more
  • Planet Hunters


    Since December 2010, participants with nothing more than a computer, an internet connection and 20 minutes of training have been sifting through data from NASA's Kepler Mission at Planet Hunters. Their efforts have resulted in 20 million classifications, 30 planet candidates, a seven planet solar system, and two confirmed planets. You can join these 260,000 citizen scientists and be on your way to discovering a new planet.

    Posted By RickNye read more