
Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back


Early on, I intended to make the website just about science that us amatuers can do in Maine.  However, that clearly was going to result in very little content. So, I started adding anything I came across like I did when I built the original database.  I quickly learned that I had let the pendulum swing too far in the opposite direction. By limiting the content to just New England, I think the site will have a nice focus and not be too overwhelming for me to handle.  This decision meant that I had to delete a ton of content, but I saved the URLs should I decide to add them back.

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Next Phase


I think I've gotten the majority of the layout completed on how things should look on the site. I tried to cross link as much as seemed necessary so people could find the stuff that they are interested in finding.

For instance the projects link to lists of other projects that have the same academic disciplines or other related content.

Also began to claim my handle at various social network sites so that all of this will be connected and somewhat seemless in terms of internet presence.

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Getting Going


Been working many hours, learning Drupal and making improvements. The past three days focused on improving the calendar and event items. Also, I've started looking for additional content specific to Maine.

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Back Into It


Its been a couple months. I had the end of the semester to deal with and temporarily moved from California to Maine, which is my home state. So far the theme has been redone and tailored to meet the needs of this site. Over the next week the menus will be updated and feedback from my fellow students will be incorporated. Once the initial layout and design has been implemented, I'll begin adding all the content that I've gathered over the past year, estimate that will take until the end of February. Starting in March, I'll update social media links and begin bringing in users.

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Day One


This is the first day of rebuilding this website. The previous version of this site was inadvertently lost while testing out different themes and modules. I may have added one too many and somehow broke the connection the MySQL database. Also I was running that site on a shared hosting server and the website hose refused to increase the maximum packet size, which seemed to be the primary cause of my problem. So, this means I'm going to continue with that hose I probably will not be using Drupal.

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