Getting Going

Been working many hours, learning Drupal and making improvements. The past three days focused on improving the calendar and event items. Also, I've started looking for additional content specific to Maine.

Its interesting how I have one idea about how to implement a feature and it turns out that what I wanted to do is already built in and its done much simpler than I had anticipated. For instance the upcoming event block on the various content pages had old events. I thought I'd have to create some sort of rule that would expire or unpublish outdated events. I had previously attempted to do this last semester. Then, when I was working on the view for the calendar, I found that dated items can be set to only show if its today or after. I decided to leave old items in the calendar while only displaying future items in the other event views. Also had to remake the calendar since it appears I can't combine events I made as recurring events and events that are one time only events. So instead I created a calender of recurring events and then redid the one time only events as recurring events that don't repeat. Then I added a boolean value that allows users to turn on and off the recurring events in the calendar. I wanted to add an additional checkbox that let people see events that they bookmarked but this doesn't appear to be any option. So for now events will just show up in the 'my bookmarks' list.

I also added more explanation to the site, to hopefully improve the user experience in learned how things are set up and where they can go to find stuff in case they aren't able to read my mind. There are 21 more specific things I've identified to do to finish phase II of building this site. Lots of little things but some of them make take a good portion of the day to figure out. The next three days will probably not be focused on this site, so it'll probably be another week before I get to start focusing on adding content.