
Project Goal: 
Monitor specific species as they migrate north every season and track changes from season to season.
Your Role: 
Select one or more species to monitor and report your findings. You can observe, robins, monarchs, sunlight, tulips and many more.
Project Goal: 
Gather user's records of plants, animals and fungi that they've observed while interacting with nature.
Your Role: 
While outside enjoying the natural world, record observations of plants, animals and fungi that you see, photograph them, identify them and upload your data to the website. Also, checkout the guides and others' work.
Project Goal: 
Document the local effects of climate change on the timing of when plants and animals go through life cycle changes along with the seasons.
Your Role: 
Observe key species of plants, birds and insects and report your data.

Four-Season Birding in the Hogback Ecoregion

"This course will immerse you in the joy of studying birds in the field, initiating or enhancing a lifetime pursuit."

Instruction will cover identification of local bird species, by field marks, song and habitat.  Natural history and conservation topics will also be covered.

Course participants will meet on 4 different Saturdays with Sunday as a back-up. Dates are: 22 February, 26 April, 31 May, 21 June.


Course Dates: 
Saturday, February 22, 2014 to Saturday, June 21, 2014

BeeSmart Pollinator Gardener

This Android and iOS app can help gardeners and those interested in plants that attact butterflies, hummingbirds and bees.  The app has nearly 1,000 pollinator friendly plants native to the U.S. organized into regions and ecological characteristics for your area.

Binoculars buying guide

Optics4birding provides an excellent guide to help you decide what binoculars are best for you. The owner and staff are avid birders, so they know their stuff and can help. If you happen to be in so-Cal area, and are in the market for a new pair or your first pair, they have every price range. This is where I bought my first serious pair of binoculars, which I still use today. They even have a kid specific guide.

Project Dates: 
2014-06-01 to 2014-06-30
Project Goal: 
Accurately measure the annual population of specific species of mountain birds unique to the montane forests of the northeastern U.S. Specifically, Bicknell's thrush and other birds found in high elevations.
Your Role: 
Adopt a route, conduct your survey in June and submit your data.
Project Dates: 
2014-05-01 to 2014-08-31
Project Goal: 
Gain information on the distribution and abundance of loons, their nesting success and chick survival rates to improve conservation efforts and continue the comeback of this endangered species.
Your Role: 
Conduct surveys in a variety of different ways: casually observe and report loons when you see them; adopt a lake for the summer; or assist managers with maintaining nesting rafts.
Project Goal: 
Protect the future of loons, which had been down to just 7 breeding pairs in 1978.
Your Role: 
Contribute in a variety of ways: spend a day doing casual surveys; monitor a lake for an entire summer; become a rescuer; or build nesting rafts and warning signs.
Project Goal: 
Provide baseline data from which population changes can be compared and collect habitat specific data across a range of forest types.
Your Role: 
Be able to identify forest birds by sight and sound, hike to selected survey sites and gather data.


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