
Butterfly Gardening Tips

Follow the link below to a page of New England oriented gardening tips to attract butterflies and other pollinators.

Project Dates: 
2014-02-12 to 2014-05-12
Project Goal: 
The Google Science Fair is a global online science and technology competition open to students ages 13 to 18.
Your Role: 
Review the guidelines, develop a project idea, do the work and submit it by 12 May 2014.
Project Goal: 
Monitor specific species as they migrate north every season and track changes from season to season.
Your Role: 
Select one or more species to monitor and report your findings. You can observe, robins, monarchs, sunlight, tulips and many more.
Project Goal: 
Gather user's records of plants, animals and fungi that they've observed while interacting with nature.
Your Role: 
While outside enjoying the natural world, record observations of plants, animals and fungi that you see, photograph them, identify them and upload your data to the website. Also, checkout the guides and others' work.
Project Goal: 
Build a continental network of study sites and naturalists to collect high quality data and imagery of a location during a hike during the day and at night.
Your Role: 
Review the protocols, select a location to do a 2-hour nature hike, followed by 2-hours of mothing at night. Record and submit your data.
Project Goal: 
Understand factors impacting species interactions, geographic distributions and changes in abundances from season to season.
Your Role: 
Photograph goldenrod plants and any associated species on the plant. Try to identify the species in the photos and submit your results to the website.
Project Goal: 
Provide tools to benefit natural history studies, track impact of climate change, invasive species and ecosystem changes.
Your Role: 
Store your photographic records, map species you find, monitor locations, identify species and much more.

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

"GBIF allows anyone, anywhere to access data about all types of life on Earth"GBIF uses a network of nodes and coordinates the biodiversity information facilities of participating countries and organizations.Consists of over 400 million records and is frequently cited as a source in peer-reviewed literature.

NatureServe Explorer

"NatureServe Explorer provides conservation status, taxonomy, distribution, and life history information for more than 70,000 plants, animals, and ecological communities and systems in the United States and Canada. The data available through NatureServe Explorer represent a “snapshot” of the U.S. and Canadian data managed in the NatureServe Central Databases. These databases are dynamic, being continually enhanced and refined through the input of hundreds of natural heritage program scientists and other collaborators.

Project Goal: 
Gather and provide global access to knowledge about all life on Earth. Increase awareness and understanding of living nature.
Your Role: 
Contribute your expertise to enhance the base of knowledge at EOL by: providing data; curating content; creating a collection; or submitting research grade images and video.


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