
Project Goal: 
Monitor specific species as they migrate north every season and track changes from season to season.
Your Role: 
Select one or more species to monitor and report your findings. You can observe, robins, monarchs, sunlight, tulips and many more.
Project Goal: 
Build a continental network of study sites and naturalists to collect high quality data and imagery of a location during a hike during the day and at night.
Your Role: 
Review the protocols, select a location to do a 2-hour nature hike, followed by 2-hours of mothing at night. Record and submit your data.
Project Goal: 
Promote a sustainable relationship between people and their surrounding landscapes through exploration, understanding and celebrating the natural and cultural characteristics that define their community.
Your Role: 
Analyze the natural history, cultural and ecological landscape of your community and engage others while doing it.
Project Goal: 
Assess whether pollination by bees is in decline and if climate change is causing a mismatch between bloom times and pollination.
Your Role: 
Find bees and document them with photographs, GPS location, a description of the habitat and additional details about the environment. Visit the Bee Hunt! website for details, and upload your data.
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