
Project Goal: 
Investigate patterns of reproduction, emergence and migration of different species of dragonfly at different latitudes.
Your Role: 
View the links below and then contact the project leader, Sara Zahendra (szahendra 'at' vtecostudies.org) at the Vermont Center for Ecostudies for further details.
Project Goal: 
Understand the timing, duration, and direction of travel of migrating dragonflies and discovery any variations from season to season.
Your Role: 
Visit the website below to learn how to recognize the 5 focal species and monitor a location during their Fall and Spring migrations.
Project Goal: 
Understand the timing and location of dragonfly migrations throughout North America and improve knowledge of the local life history of dragonflies in each area.
Your Role: 
Locate a large pond or wetland, review the resources section on dragonflies, and start reporting your observations.
Project Goal: 
Gather and disseminate information and data about dragonfly and damselfly distributions throughout the western hemisphere.
Your Role: 
Browse the database and checklists for members of Odonata in your area. Join the website and upload your data about specimens you've found or photographed.
Project Goal: 
Locate species that are likely to be in Vermont but not yet documented
Your Role: 
Checkout the hitlist, if you have information about damselflies and dragonflies on the list, please provide it via the Odonata of Vermont website.
Project Goal: 
Improve and update knowledge and of biodiversity in Vermont; provide open access to biodiversity data; foster discovery, conservation, and education; and build a community of those interested in natural heritage.
Your Role: 
Look for species and share your sightings via eBird, iNaturalist, eButterfly or Odonata Central.
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