insects (other)

Project Goal: 
Learn the geographic distribution of fireflies and help to determine what impacts their survival.
Your Role: 
Register your backyard's characteristics, begin making observations and submit your data.

Dr. Eleanor's Book of Common Ants

"Dr. Eleanor is an entomologist with a knack for telling good stories, especially about the secret lives of her favorite insects: the ANTS! In this new guide to the common ants of North America, Dr. Eleanor delights readers young and old with tales of our tiny insect neighbors. Her stories of the heroes and villains that tiptoe around us are brought to life in this interactive new eBook by the vibrant photographs of Alex Wild."

Project Goal: 
Explore the ecosystems that exist right under our noses, homes and neighborhoods.
Your Role: 
Check out the listing of different projects and join one or more effort or try one of the teaching modules.
Project Goal: 
Discover distribution of each species of camel cricket that can be found in North America
Your Role: 
Photograph and gather some data about any camel cricket you find. Then upload it to the website.
Project Goal: 
Make detailed maps of the wildlife that lives just outside our doorstep.
Your Role: 
Make an ant sampling kit, record data, submit data online and send in your specimens
Project Goal: 
Understand factors impacting species interactions, geographic distributions and changes in abundances from season to season.
Your Role: 
Photograph goldenrod plants and any associated species on the plant. Try to identify the species in the photos and submit your results to the website.
Project Goal: 
Find out where all the ladybugs have gone; over the past 20 years ladybugs that were once very common have become rare.
Your Role: 
Collect some ladybugs, photograph them, try to identify them and upload your pictures.
Project Goal: 
Stop the spread of non-native plants and insects that threaten our native ecosystems
Your Role: 
Download the iOS or Android app, register and submit data whenever you see or suspect that you see a non native plant or insect like the Asian longhorn beetle.

Dragonflies and Damselflies in Vermont

These links provide detailed information at the species level where different members of Odonata can be found in Vermont. Also excellent pictures with identifications are provided to help you identify any specimens you may have found or photographed.

Insect Identification .org

With over 1 million species of spiders and insects identified, it can be rather difficult to identify the species of your particular specimen. This website has photos and identifications for many of the common insects and spiders you might find using terms that the lay person can understand. They also have their data sorted by state and other categories and allow you to search their database using characteristics one can see by eye.


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