Life Sciences

Project Goal: 
Gather information about urban, suburban and rural bee populations to assess the status of bee populations and the impact that a decline could have on the pollination of flowering plants.
Your Role: 
Observe sunflowers for pollinator activity, records your observations and submit your data to the website.
Project Goal: 
Assess whether pollination by bees is in decline and if climate change is causing a mismatch between bloom times and pollination.
Your Role: 
Find bees and document them with photographs, GPS location, a description of the habitat and additional details about the environment. Visit the Bee Hunt! website for details, and upload your data.
Project Goal: 
Determine where in North America, the zombie fly, Apocephalus borealis is parasitizing honey bees, determine how often honey bees leave their hives at night.
Your Role: 
Collect honey bees that are stranded under porch lights or on sidewalks. You can also set up a light trap and test for presence of zombie fly infection. Upload your results to the ZomBee Watch website.
Project Goal: 
Document the distribution of whales, dolphins and sea turtles to better understand their biology and support conservation decision making.
Your Role: 
Document your GPS location, data about the animals and take photographs or video.
Project Goal: 
Use photography of whales to identify individuals and document their movements.
Your Role: 
On your next kayaking, sailing or boating expedition be sure to photograph the underside of humback whale tails.
Project Goal: 
Understand the history and ecology of fungi that live on insect exoskeletons.
Your Role: 
Collect a few beetle specimens in ethanol while visiting a snowline during your next adventure.
Project Goal: 
Determine how lichen evolved and got distributed throughout the world.
Your Role: 
Travel to mountain tops or wherever tundra grows and collect samples of one particular species of lichen (Thamnolia vermicularis).
Project Goal: 
Determine: where gulls go during the winter, how far juveniles travel, and the survival rates of adults and juveniles.
Your Role: 
Photograph and report sightings of gulls with bands on their legs.
Project Goal: 
Document the location and species of roadkill. Data will support research efforts on the mitigation of the impact transportation has on ecosystems.
Your Role: 
Report a roadkill via the website.
Project Goal: 
Fill in gaps in scientific knowledge the inhabitants of caves and how these animals use caves.
Your Role: 
If you visit a cave, document all animals or evidence of animals encountered from the front to the back using non-invasive techniques.


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