
Project Goal: 
Find out where all the ladybugs have gone; over the past 20 years ladybugs that were once very common have become rare.
Your Role: 
Collect some ladybugs, photograph them, try to identify them and upload your pictures.

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

"GBIF allows anyone, anywhere to access data about all types of life on Earth"GBIF uses a network of nodes and coordinates the biodiversity information facilities of participating countries and organizations.Consists of over 400 million records and is frequently cited as a source in peer-reviewed literature.

NatureServe Explorer

"NatureServe Explorer provides conservation status, taxonomy, distribution, and life history information for more than 70,000 plants, animals, and ecological communities and systems in the United States and Canada. The data available through NatureServe Explorer represent a “snapshot” of the U.S. and Canadian data managed in the NatureServe Central Databases. These databases are dynamic, being continually enhanced and refined through the input of hundreds of natural heritage program scientists and other collaborators.

Project Goal: 
Gather and provide global access to knowledge about all life on Earth. Increase awareness and understanding of living nature.
Your Role: 
Contribute your expertise to enhance the base of knowledge at EOL by: providing data; curating content; creating a collection; or submitting research grade images and video.
Project Goal: 
Promote a sustainable relationship between people and their surrounding landscapes through exploration, understanding and celebrating the natural and cultural characteristics that define their community.
Your Role: 
Analyze the natural history, cultural and ecological landscape of your community and engage others while doing it.
Project Goal: 
Reach more than 5 million young people in science with hands-on learning to ensure global competitiveness and prepare today's youth to become the next generation of science, engineering and technology leaders.
Your Role: 
Participate in any of the different science related events and activities from Youth Science Day to Veterinary science.
Project Goal: 
Document the local effects of climate change on the timing of when plants and animals go through life cycle changes along with the seasons.
Your Role: 
Observe key species of plants, birds and insects and report your data.
Project Goal: 
Promote broad understanding of and collect standardized observations of periodic plant and animal life cycle events.
Your Role: 
Create an account at nature's notebook, learn how to become an observer of phenology, collect and report data for your area.
Project Goal: 
Stop the spread of non-native plants and insects that threaten our native ecosystems
Your Role: 
Download the iOS or Android app, register and submit data whenever you see or suspect that you see a non native plant or insect like the Asian longhorn beetle.
Project Goal: 
Gather and disseminate information and data about dragonfly and damselfly distributions throughout the western hemisphere.
Your Role: 
Browse the database and checklists for members of Odonata in your area. Join the website and upload your data about specimens you've found or photographed.


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