Report Observations

Project Goal: 
Promote broad understanding of and collect standardized observations of periodic plant and animal life cycle events.
Your Role: 
Create an account at nature's notebook, learn how to become an observer of phenology, collect and report data for your area.
Project Goal: 
Stop the spread of non-native plants and insects that threaten our native ecosystems
Your Role: 
Download the iOS or Android app, register and submit data whenever you see or suspect that you see a non native plant or insect like the Asian longhorn beetle.
Project Goal: 
Create and make available a comprehensive database of invasive plants in New England using a network of trained volunteers and professionals.
Your Role: 
Become a volunteer and learn how to recognize different invasive plants, document their locations and update the database online or through a mobile app.
Project Goal: 
Gather and disseminate information and data about dragonfly and damselfly distributions throughout the western hemisphere.
Your Role: 
Browse the database and checklists for members of Odonata in your area. Join the website and upload your data about specimens you've found or photographed.
Project Goal: 
Locate species that are likely to be in Vermont but not yet documented
Your Role: 
Checkout the hitlist, if you have information about damselflies and dragonflies on the list, please provide it via the Odonata of Vermont website.
Project Goal: 
Study cougars and understand their role in ecosystems. Specifically interested in exploring cougars expanding their range back into areas where they once lived.
Your Role: 
If you have solide evidence of a cougar in your area, especially the northeast U.S., report it via email through their website.
Project Goal: 
Collect and share data about the status of reptiles and amphibians living in Vermont to support their conservation. Data collected includes natural history, distribution and conservation efforts that are working.
Your Role: 
Review available information and contribute additional information about amphibians or reptiles that you've seen in your area.
Project Goal: 
"Collect and provide access to quality-controlled data about butterflies and moths for" North America.
Your Role: 
Find, photograph and submit your sightings of butterflies and moths where you live. If you have expertise, help with reviewing submissions and caterpillar identifications.
Project Dates: 
2014-06-01 to 2014-06-30
Project Goal: 
Accurately measure the annual population of specific species of mountain birds unique to the montane forests of the northeastern U.S. Specifically, Bicknell's thrush and other birds found in high elevations.
Your Role: 
Adopt a route, conduct your survey in June and submit your data.
Project Dates: 
2014-05-01 to 2014-08-31
Project Goal: 
Gain information on the distribution and abundance of loons, their nesting success and chick survival rates to improve conservation efforts and continue the comeback of this endangered species.
Your Role: 
Conduct surveys in a variety of different ways: casually observe and report loons when you see them; adopt a lake for the summer; or assist managers with maintaining nesting rafts.


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