National Audubon Society


Incorporated in 1971, this chapter of the Maine Audubon and National Audubon Society offers public programs, field trips, and public outreach to foster appreciation and conservatyion of the natural world.

Gilsland Farm Audubon Center

Visit this 65-acre sanctuary by walking more than 2 miles of trails through different habitats. Additionally, there is an environmental center that offers programs throughout the year.

Gilsland Farm’s environmental center offers hundreds of year-round public programs plus day camps, a Maine Audubon Nature Store, a Children’s Discovery Room and a Teacher’s Resource Center.

20 Gilsland Farm Road
Falmouth, ME 04105

"Maine Audubon works to conserve Maine’s wildlife and wildlife habitat by engaging people of all ages in education, conservation and action."There are 7 chapters and 8 sanctuaries covering the state.

Project Dates: 
2013-12-14 to 2014-01-05
Project Goal: 
Document changes in location and abundances of birds throughout North America.
Your Role: 
Join a 114 year old tradition by counting and reporting the birds seen at your site. Also checkout their website to see others' reports.
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