New England

Project Goal: 
Provide a volunteer led movement that provides regular sessions and clubs to inspire and teach young people to how to code software.
Your Role: 
Find your nearest CoderDojo or start one yourself.
Project Goal: 
Find and test new, useful and unusual uses for broken stuff.
Your Role: 
Don't throw away items that could be used generate power or perform other tasks, checkout the project ideas at the link below and try a few yourself.

Memorial Day Butterfly Count

Join the Memorial Day Butterfly Count on May 25-27, 2013

"These new counts will give butterfly enthusiasts throughout the continent an opportunity to get out and enjoy butterflies while contributing to our growing knowledge of butterfly distributions, flight times, and abundance."

"All you need to do is to observe butterflies at one or more of your favorite butterflying localities (such as your own backyard) this coming Memorial Day or Victoria Day weekend and note what butterflies you’ve seen. "

Butterfly Gardening Tips

Follow the link below to a page of New England oriented gardening tips to attract butterflies and other pollinators.

Project Goal: 
Increase public enjoyment and conservation of butterflies by: creating a website for people to share their sightings; organize counting efforts in May and July; and establish local chapters for people to join.
Your Role: 
Sign up to do a count and report your data.

Google Science Fair 2014 Kickoff

Google Science Fair starts.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 - 1:00pm
Project Dates: 
2014-02-12 to 2014-05-12
Project Goal: 
The Google Science Fair is a global online science and technology competition open to students ages 13 to 18.
Your Role: 
Review the guidelines, develop a project idea, do the work and submit it by 12 May 2014.

There is a tremendous amount of information about bumblebees at this site. Check it out to satisfy your information needs as well as some ideas of what you can do on your own to help ensure the survival of native bumblebees.

Project Goal: 
Learn the geographic distribution of fireflies and help to determine what impacts their survival.
Your Role: 
Register your backyard's characteristics, begin making observations and submit your data.
Project Goal: 
Investigate patterns of reproduction, emergence and migration of different species of dragonfly at different latitudes.
Your Role: 
View the links below and then contact the project leader, Sara Zahendra (szahendra 'at' at the Vermont Center for Ecostudies for further details.


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