April Vacation Camp at Gilsland Farm

Grades 1-5

Sign up for the whole week ($355) or by the day ($75/day)

Monday: Camouflage Day. Study forest and meadow to find animals that blend into their surroundings. Play camouflage, log roll and catch creatures and study their colors to discover how coloration helps critters survive.

Tuesday: Earth Day Celebration. Celebrate Earth Day and make the earth a better place. We will repurpose recycled items into new and fun crafts, including soda bottle greenhouses, egg carton caterpillars and coffee can bird feeders.

Wednesday: Water Exploration. Explore the pond creatures who are awake and moving around after the long winter. Play our favorite “Water Cycle Game” and become a salmon during this action packed-day! We will also discuss water conservation
and how we can keep our water safe and clean for animals, plants and humans.

Thursday: Animals on the Move. Learn about animals that migrate and travel great distances. Learn why they leave, where they go and how they survive as we enjoy our migration obstacle course, butterfly catching game and other activities.

Friday: Raptors, Reptiles and Mammals. Join us for a live animal program in the morning and learn fascinating facts about birds, reptiles, mammals and other critters.

9:00 am - 3:00 pm, Monday, Apr 21, 2014 - Friday Apr 25, 2014

Gilsland Farm, Falmouth, Maine

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