Introducing DIY

If you are into doing things yourself then here are a variety of resources that can help you develop your own project ideas. Use the filter below to limit the list (use CTRL or to select multiple items in each list).

Milkweed Plant & Seed Suppliers has compiled a list of nurseries that provide milkweed seeds and plants that are ideal for your state. These plants will provide ideal habitat, nourishment and rest areas for migrating monarch butterflies.

Butterfly Garden Seeds

Live Monarch will provide some seeds so you can plant milkweed which is the ideal plant for preserving the monarch butterfly.  You can either send a self addressed stamped envelop or buy online for $3.

Conserving Bumble Bees

Guidelines for Creating and Managing Habitat for America's Declining Pollinators.

This .pdf file is 40 pages and includes regional maps, descriptions and ideal flowers for each area.  The introduction and supporting chapters are easy to read and provide excellent background information and advice on what you can do to help the bumble bee population.  The text is also fully cited with primary literature.

Flowers to attract bumble bees

"Recognized by pollination ecologists as attracting large numbers of bumble bees." This list provides the common name and scientific name of 462 different flowering plants one can use to attract and help save bumble bees.

Project Goal: 
Teach kids basic principles of computer science from construction of a computer to programming a game.
Your Role: 
Assemble the kit, make your own game, learn computer science.
Project Goal: 
Support and encourage a community of DIYers.
Your Role: 
Learn from others and share your do-it-yourself projects.

Jack Andraka


The loss of a close family friend motivated Jack Andraka to do something about pancreatic cancer. He read as much could from free and online sources and developed an idea for how he could find a reliable and inexpensive test to detect this disease much sooner than current methods. He contacted 200 research professionals in hopes of finding one that would provide laboratory space for him to test his ideas. Only one gave him a chance and at the age of 15 he developed a $0.03 strip that can detect pancreatic cancer in the early stages, when a patient's survival is nearly 100%.

Posted By RickNye read more
Project Dates: 
2014-01-01 to 2014-09-23
Project Goal: 
Promote scientific discovery amongst youth around the world.
Your Role: 
Compete in an online competition by developing an hypothesis, performing an experiment and presenting your results.
