
Vermont Center for Geographic Information

VCGI assists the GIS community in providing data, imagery, map viewer and geospatial technology information.Using the map viewer you can make a map of your choosing, with available data that interests you.

Environmental Science Day Camp 2014

The Environmental Science Day Camp will be taught by local Elementary Teachers and Education Majors. Your child will be one of 45-50 students who will work with our staff of seven teachers and education majors (7:1 student/teacher ratio).

Your child will participte in field excursions and walks which explore the natural world from an environmental perspective.

Monday, July 14, 2014 - 9:00am

Perkins Geology Museum

"The Museum is dedicated to presenting geologic concepts and processes to students, scholars, and the interested public in a manner that both informs and entertains. The museum is open to all, free of charge, and is handicapped accessible."

Delehanty Hall, Trinity Campus, University of Vermont
180 Colchester Avenue
Burlington, VT 05405
Project Goal: 
Promote a sustainable relationship between people and their surrounding landscapes through exploration, understanding and celebrating the natural and cultural characteristics that define their community.
Your Role: 
Analyze the natural history, cultural and ecological landscape of your community and engage others while doing it.

Vermont Geological Survey

There's a wealth of information here about the geology of Vermont.

Vermont Bryophyte List and Atlas

This website contains a .rtf list of moss species with their global and state ranks.  Use it as a checklist to see how many moss species you can find.

Dragonflies and Damselflies in Vermont

These links provide detailed information at the species level where different members of Odonata can be found in Vermont. Also excellent pictures with identifications are provided to help you identify any specimens you may have found or photographed.

Project Goal: 
Locate species that are likely to be in Vermont but not yet documented
Your Role: 
Checkout the hitlist, if you have information about damselflies and dragonflies on the list, please provide it via the Odonata of Vermont website.

Forest Soils in the Hogback Ecoregion

This course offers 2 classroom sessions and 4 field trips on Saturdays, focused on the different soils in Bristol, VT.  Students will learn about basic soil properties and how to use soil information maps.  Field trips will explore soil examination techniques and different soil types.

Forest Soils in the Hogback Ecoregion

This course offers 2 classroom sessions on a Thursday and 4 field trips on Saturdays, focused on the different soils in Bristol, VT.  Students will learn about basic soil properties and how to use soil information maps.  Field trips will explore soil examination techniques and different soil types.

Course Dates: 
Thursday, March 27, 2014 to Saturday, April 19, 2014


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