General Information

Invasive Plant Recipes

Get rid of invasive plants by eating them.  Follow the link below to a listing of recipes for invasive plants in New England.

Vermont Bryophyte List and Atlas

This website contains a .rtf list of moss species with their global and state ranks.  Use it as a checklist to see how many moss species you can find.

BeeSmart Pollinator Gardener

This Android and iOS app can help gardeners and those interested in plants that attact butterflies, hummingbirds and bees.  The app has nearly 1,000 pollinator friendly plants native to the U.S. organized into regions and ecological characteristics for your area.

Binoculars buying guide

Optics4birding provides an excellent guide to help you decide what binoculars are best for you. The owner and staff are avid birders, so they know their stuff and can help. If you happen to be in so-Cal area, and are in the market for a new pair or your first pair, they have every price range. This is where I bought my first serious pair of binoculars, which I still use today. They even have a kid specific guide.

Monarch Watch .org

Monarch provides a wealth in information about the monarch butterfly. They describe the life cycle of monarchs, explain how to raise them and give ideas for classroom projects.

Milkweed Plant & Seed Suppliers has compiled a list of nurseries that provide milkweed seeds and plants that are ideal for your state. These plants will provide ideal habitat, nourishment and rest areas for migrating monarch butterflies.

Butterfly Garden Seeds

Live Monarch will provide some seeds so you can plant milkweed which is the ideal plant for preserving the monarch butterfly.  You can either send a self addressed stamped envelop or buy online for $3.

Flowers to attract bumble bees

"Recognized by pollination ecologists as attracting large numbers of bumble bees." This list provides the common name and scientific name of 462 different flowering plants one can use to attract and help save bumble bees.


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