
Project Goal: 
Find and test new, useful and unusual uses for broken stuff.
Your Role: 
Don't throw away items that could be used generate power or perform other tasks, checkout the project ideas at the link below and try a few yourself.
Project Goal: 
Increase public enjoyment and conservation of butterflies by: creating a website for people to share their sightings; organize counting efforts in May and July; and establish local chapters for people to join.
Your Role: 
Sign up to do a count and report your data.
Project Goal: 
Learn the geographic distribution of fireflies and help to determine what impacts their survival.
Your Role: 
Register your backyard's characteristics, begin making observations and submit your data.
Project Goal: 
Investigate patterns of reproduction, emergence and migration of different species of dragonfly at different latitudes.
Your Role: 
View the links below and then contact the project leader, Sara Zahendra (szahendra 'at' at the Vermont Center for Ecostudies for further details.
Project Goal: 
Understand the timing, duration, and direction of travel of migrating dragonflies and discovery any variations from season to season.
Your Role: 
Visit the website below to learn how to recognize the 5 focal species and monitor a location during their Fall and Spring migrations.
Project Goal: 
Bring butterfly enthusiasts and scientists together and provide a place to share photos and locational data. Provide data that can be used to understand butterfly adaptation and responses to change.
Your Role: 
Observe butterflies, photograph them and submit records of your data. Also search the database for species that have been seen in your area.
Project Goal: 
Coordinate observations of territorial behavior, migration, life history, populations, seasonal variations, body size and number of broods of butterflies from the Vanessa genus.
Your Role: 
Learn how to recognize red admirals and painted ladies and report your observations of these butterflies.
Project Goal: 
Monitor specific species as they migrate north every season and track changes from season to season.
Your Role: 
Select one or more species to monitor and report your findings. You can observe, robins, monarchs, sunlight, tulips and many more.
Project Goal: 
Understand how monarch butterfly populations vary in time and by location.
Your Role: 
Find a milkweed patch and either commit to monitor on a regular basis throughout a season or submit occassional instances of monarch larva that you find.
Project Goal: 
Explore the ecosystems that exist right under our noses, homes and neighborhoods.
Your Role: 
Check out the listing of different projects and join one or more effort or try one of the teaching modules.


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