
Project Goal: 
Increase public enjoyment and conservation of butterflies by: creating a website for people to share their sightings; organize counting efforts in May and July; and establish local chapters for people to join.
Your Role: 
Sign up to do a count and report your data.
Project Goal: 
Investigate patterns of reproduction, emergence and migration of different species of dragonfly at different latitudes.
Your Role: 
View the links below and then contact the project leader, Sara Zahendra (szahendra 'at' vtecostudies.org) at the Vermont Center for Ecostudies for further details.
Project Goal: 
Understand the timing, duration, and direction of travel of migrating dragonflies and discovery any variations from season to season.
Your Role: 
Visit the website below to learn how to recognize the 5 focal species and monitor a location during their Fall and Spring migrations.
Project Goal: 
Understand the timing and location of dragonfly migrations throughout North America and improve knowledge of the local life history of dragonflies in each area.
Your Role: 
Locate a large pond or wetland, review the resources section on dragonflies, and start reporting your observations.
Project Goal: 
Bring butterfly enthusiasts and scientists together and provide a place to share photos and locational data. Provide data that can be used to understand butterfly adaptation and responses to change.
Your Role: 
Observe butterflies, photograph them and submit records of your data. Also search the database for species that have been seen in your area.
Project Goal: 
Coordinate observations of territorial behavior, migration, life history, populations, seasonal variations, body size and number of broods of butterflies from the Vanessa genus.
Your Role: 
Learn how to recognize red admirals and painted ladies and report your observations of these butterflies.
Project Goal: 
Understand how monarch butterfly populations vary in time and by location.
Your Role: 
Find a milkweed patch and either commit to monitor on a regular basis throughout a season or submit occassional instances of monarch larva that you find.
Project Goal: 
Gather user's records of plants, animals and fungi that they've observed while interacting with nature.
Your Role: 
While outside enjoying the natural world, record observations of plants, animals and fungi that you see, photograph them, identify them and upload your data to the website. Also, checkout the guides and others' work.
Project Goal: 
Build a continental network of study sites and naturalists to collect high quality data and imagery of a location during a hike during the day and at night.
Your Role: 
Review the protocols, select a location to do a 2-hour nature hike, followed by 2-hours of mothing at night. Record and submit your data.
Project Goal: 
Understand factors impacting species interactions, geographic distributions and changes in abundances from season to season.
Your Role: 
Photograph goldenrod plants and any associated species on the plant. Try to identify the species in the photos and submit your results to the website.


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