
Project Goal: 
Provide tools to benefit natural history studies, track impact of climate change, invasive species and ecosystem changes.
Your Role: 
Store your photographic records, map species you find, monitor locations, identify species and much more.
Project Goal: 
Find out where all the ladybugs have gone; over the past 20 years ladybugs that were once very common have become rare.
Your Role: 
Collect some ladybugs, photograph them, try to identify them and upload your pictures.
Project Goal: 
Gather and provide global access to knowledge about all life on Earth. Increase awareness and understanding of living nature.
Your Role: 
Contribute your expertise to enhance the base of knowledge at EOL by: providing data; curating content; creating a collection; or submitting research grade images and video.
Project Goal: 
Promote a sustainable relationship between people and their surrounding landscapes through exploration, understanding and celebrating the natural and cultural characteristics that define their community.
Your Role: 
Analyze the natural history, cultural and ecological landscape of your community and engage others while doing it.
Project Goal: 
Document the local effects of climate change on the timing of when plants and animals go through life cycle changes along with the seasons.
Your Role: 
Observe key species of plants, birds and insects and report your data.
Project Goal: 
Promote broad understanding of and collect standardized observations of periodic plant and animal life cycle events.
Your Role: 
Create an account at nature's notebook, learn how to become an observer of phenology, collect and report data for your area.
Project Goal: 
Stop the spread of non-native plants and insects that threaten our native ecosystems
Your Role: 
Download the iOS or Android app, register and submit data whenever you see or suspect that you see a non native plant or insect like the Asian longhorn beetle.
Project Goal: 
Create and make available a comprehensive database of invasive plants in New England using a network of trained volunteers and professionals.
Your Role: 
Become a volunteer and learn how to recognize different invasive plants, document their locations and update the database online or through a mobile app.
Project Goal: 
Gather and disseminate information and data about dragonfly and damselfly distributions throughout the western hemisphere.
Your Role: 
Browse the database and checklists for members of Odonata in your area. Join the website and upload your data about specimens you've found or photographed.
Project Goal: 
Locate species that are likely to be in Vermont but not yet documented
Your Role: 
Checkout the hitlist, if you have information about damselflies and dragonflies on the list, please provide it via the Odonata of Vermont website.


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